Aviation Litigation

Aviation litigation requires specialized knowledge to navigate the complexities of the industry as a case makes its way through the courts. You want an Aviation Litigation Attorney in your corner who understands the ways that the law impacts personal injury, property damage and wrongful death incidents that involve major airlines or personal aircraft. Our firm represents pilots, aircraft manufacturers, airlines, flight schools, aviation insurance agencies, aircraft mechanics and other aviation employees in the San Diego area and beyond. The nature of aviation rules and regulations are far too complicated to navigate on your own — you want an aviation litigation lawyer in your corner who will fight to protect your rights and assets, while ensuring that you receive the full compensation you are entitled to if you’ve been injured.

Our San Diego office has years of experience in representing private aircraft owners involved in personal injury, property damage or wrongful death claims. Aviation litigation can be extremely stressful due to the amounts of money involved. Pilots, aircraft owners, aviation employees and others involved in the industry know that San Diego law firm is here for them through every step of the legal process, from filing a claim or response to discovery and fighting your case. If you need a San Diego Aviation Litigation Lawyer to hear your case, call our office today for a case consultation.

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